Irokeijin 90cm S-TPE Sex Doll Akari

Irokeijin 90cm S-TPE Sex Doll Akari

Sale $510.00
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  • ☘ SKU:Akari     ☘ Add Date:02/18/2025
    ☘ Manufacturer:Irokeijin     ☘ Material:TPE

Item name: Irokeijin Doll 90cm S-TPE Sex Doll
Skeleton: EVO Fully Articulated skeleton by default. Neck (Gooseneck), Ball Jointed hands
Breast: Gel filled(the most realistic)
Material: Platinum S-TPE (lifelike and soft)
Height : 90cm
Weight : 9.1kg 
Shoulder: 20cm 
Uper Bust: 53cm
Under Bust: 34.5cm
Waist: 33cm
Hips: 56cm 
Feet: 13cm 
Vagina Depth:12cm
Anus: 10cm
Oral : Not available
Noted: My friend, have anything we can help, pls kindly contact with us, our email:, thank you so much for your time and support, have a nice day!
Shipping: We offer free shipping
Brand: Irokeijin Doll

  • ☘ Net Height : 90.00 cm
  • ☘ Net Weight : 9.00 kg
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Skin Tone: 

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Standing feet without bolts is a newer option where the feet material is harder to support the doll's weight, it looks like normal feet and feels much harder, but, standing for an extended period, may lead to damage at the bottom of the feet.

Foot Style: 
